Underground Detention

Underground Detention systems are developed for a variety of purposes, including allowing for the collection and storage of storm water generated by heavy rains or flash flooding, which can then be discharged into a storm system at a controlled rate.  Underground storage can also be used in normally dry areas for water storage that can be used during droughts and other dry times.

Modular Underground Detention

CP&P manufactures several different underground detention options. These systems provide for rapid installation and manages detention, retention, infiltration and treatment of stormwater. Contact us for additional information.

Paul Gallant

Technical Sales Manager (PA, DE, MD, WV, VA, DC)

Engineered Products │CP&P

Cell: (804) 614-6638




Michael Johnson, PE

Technical Sales Manager (NC, SC, GA)

Engineered Products | CP&P

Cell: (919) 740 2663


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